Jessica Clemmons’ new album "Jessica" A stunning tribute to talent and determination

Houston-born powerhouse Jessica Clemmons and her band, Jess and the Bandits, return with their new album, Jessica a ten-track, heartfelt journey through loss, love, and discovery. It is a success both musically and a tribute to Jessica’s strength, talent, and skill at taking individual trials and transforming them into powerful tales.

Kicking off with God Did Good, the album begins with a positive country-pop single that paves the way for an album full of heart and integrity. Tracks such as Don’t Matter to Love and Kids in Love navigate the trials and tribulations of relationships, with catchy hooks and Jessica’s warm, characterful voice.

One standout single is Preachin' to the Choir, a happy hymn to love that most accurately describes the atmosphere of the album. There is no chance not to be touched by soaring harmonies and emotive lyrics that expose Jessica's breathtaking range. No Pot of Gold and The Truth Bout Lies, respectively, go deeper, grappling with disillusion and introspection with pinpoint accuracy in terms of lyrics.

What makes Jessica stand out is its diversity in message and tone. With its introspective ballad One Day and its powerful anthem I Ain’t Wrong, Jessica seamlessly blends country, pop, and gospel, creating a sound both new and yet, at the same time, not new at all. Jessica’s talent at transitioning between high and low emotion is supported by first-rate songwriters including Kristian Bush and Natalie Hemby, and regardless of the track, each one comes through with an aura of authenticity.

Recorded in Jessica’s hometown and supported through a fan-funded campaign, Jessica is an intimate, earthy record that reaches out to her heritage and affirms her journey as an artist and individual. Her December 2023 loss of her dad, Gary, puts a bittersweet layer to the album, but one full of deep expression of emotion and a valuing of her family and friends.

With Jessica, Jess and the Bandits have created an album that is both intimate and bold, firmly putting Jessica Clemmons in her position as one of the country’s most powerful singers. Country-pop and storytelling fans will not miss out on this work of art.

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